The Chameleon Approach to Body Therapy. The Emmett / Therapy Technique is a unique body therapy created by Ross Emmett. It is a recognized technique used to ease pain and discomfort, increase movement and improve quality of life.
How does it Emmet Therapy / Technique work?
The Emmett Therapy / Technique is an understanding of the body’s response to light touch. It has been suggested that the body reacts in a similar way to the workings of a touch-screen. Small sensors allow access to the brain via the therapists’ touch. As well as the ability to directly influence muscle action, these points may have a memory and emotional attachment.
Symptoms which have been relieved
Neck and shoulder restriction and referred discomfort |
Headaches, dizziness and sinus congestion |
Lumphatic congestion and breathing | Back and hip discomfort |
Migraines or cluster headaches | Knee and ankle restrictions |
Abdominal cramps and bowel discomfort | Discomfort during pregnancy |
Persistent heel and foot pain | Fluid retention |